
Salmon, Hofsa, Iceland


Seasonal variation

Hofsá, one of the “big” northeast rivers and one of the two major Vopnafjordur rivers, is situated about 600km from Reykjavik. Hofsá has a long canyon on the top beats,

Hotel Braurup Austria, Fly Fishing Austria, Trout Fishing Austria

Hotel Braurup

Located in the heart of the Austrian Alps, Hotel Braurup offers charming and comfortable accommodation with access to 130 km of prime fly fishing rivers and numerous lakes. A perfect

Hrutafjardara, Iceland, salmon fly fishing, Aardvark Mcleod


Seasonal variation

Hrútafjarðará is an excellent three rod river in northern Iceland, approximately 180km from Reykjavik. This extremely attractive river runs from Holtavorduheidi down towards Hrutafjordur and is full of stunning looking

Huseyjarkvisl, Iceland, salmon fishing, Iceland fishing guide, Aardvark McLeod

Huseyjarkvisl, Northern Iceland

Seasonal variation

The Huseyjarkvisl River, situated in northern Iceland, is perfectly suited for fly fishing. Each pool offers good pace and holding spots for swinging flies. The water temperature is normally relatively


Ichingo Chobe River Lodge

Dependant on season and activities

Ichingo Chobe River Lodge is a lovely spot from which to enjoy both a memorable safari and wonderful fishing. Set on Impalila Island on the Namibian side of the Chobe River, the lodge blends stylish accommodation with a lovely, relaxed atmosphere.


Intricate Bay Lodge

Dependant on length of stay

Intricate Bay Lodge is nestled in a prime location on Bristol Bay. Most lodges in the region require daily fly-out because they are not situated near good local fishing. When



Seasonal variation

The Jökla River is situated in eastern Iceland and can be referred to as one of the country’s newest salmon fisheries. Due to a hydro electric scheme filtering the glacial

Jungle Quest, tarpon and machaca, Costa Rica fly fishing, Aardvark McLeod

Jungle Quest, Costa Rica

Dependant on group size

Coupling the iconic Rio Colorado where giant tarpon test angler’s strength and fish fighting abilities, with a machaca river float trip where fisherman cast flies to aggressive and exotic fish,
