Why fish the Tyne System?
Statistically, the Tyne gives you the best chance of landing a salmon in England and Wales. There are few better rivers for a shorter trip, especially if you live down south and travelling to Scotland seems like too far. Most years, the fish counter at Riding Mill sees over 30,000 salmon pass. This is remarkable when you consider that the River Tyne was in dire shape not so long ago during its industrial heyday. Between the South Tyne, North Tyne, and the main river, there is a massive variety of water. Each river differs hugely in character and offers something different. Because the three rivers are rarely more than half an hours drive from one another, you can fish all three over one trip with complete ease.
One advantage of fishing the Tyne system is that the North Tyne is fed from Kielder Water. Weekly releases from Kielder water keep the level topped up in the North Tyne and main river so even if there has been no rain there is always the chance of a fish.

River Tyne 2022 Packages
We are delighted to be able to offer fully guided packages on Tyne system. This is the perfect way to explore the area and some of the Tyne’s wonderful beats. Having an experienced guide who knows the water well is invaluable. Not only does it increase your chance of success, it also means that there is someone to offer advice on speycasting and pointers on salmon techniques.
8th – 10th
22nd – 24th
5th – 7th
12th – 14th
19th – 21st
Cost 3 days fully guided fishing.
One person: £1,110 per person including VAT
Two People: £690 per person including VAT
Other packages and dates can be organised, please get in contact for more details.
For more information about single or multiple days on the River Tyne or for our other UK salmon and trout fishing options please contact us or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.