You really only need one reason to head to Tanzania in search of Tigerfish on fly. Post Cameroon, Charlotte is even more passionate about targeting tigerfish on fly with Tanzania still firmly at the top of the destination list. Why?
Hydrocynus Tanziniae. It really is that simple. There are only five species of tigerfish, widely distributed throughout Africa and none of them are easy to land. Only two of the five species are known to reach significant size. h.goliath was brought to our screens by Jeremy Wade in River Monsters and but remains relatively inaccessible due to the on-going political and tribal instability in its known distribution area. Following closely behind in terms of size is h.tanzaniae, and the rivers of the Mnyera and Ruhudji in southern Tanzania consistently produce exceptional fish.
With razor sharp teeth, incredibly hard mouths, a propensity to aerialise once hooked and dirty fighting tactics landing a tigerfish of any species should never be taken as a given. Add to that the challenges of the environment where you are fishing – structure, both visible and hidden, and other toothy critters of Africa’s rivers stack the odds against the angler.
Considering all of that, you’d be forgiven for wondering what the attraction is. What it comes down to is their size. The power of the take and the sheer challenge of the fight. Combine all of that it and makes the challenges fade into the background.
With “small” fish weighing in 6 lbs, the most commonly caught range is from 8 lbs to 12 lbs. In a week fishing, it is rare that anglers don’t also land fish in the 12 lbs – 16 lbs range. 17 lbs and 18 lbs fish are landed regularly and both rivers produce fish in excess of 20 lbs every season.
You won’t find that breadth of size anywhere else.
It’s not too late to experience Tanzania this year and space is available so contact us for details. If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.
Look at the size of her head; a magnificent, spawned out mature tigerfish
Happiness is fishing in the rapids. Andrew and his prize.
Ronnie with another beauty …. It was obviously time for a break …
Can’t beat a hammock at mid-day …. remind me to tell you a story of a human cocoon …..
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Some great video footage of Ronnie popping. Wouter didn’t do the damage! This tigerfish is in the process of sheddinig / replacing its teeth.
Such beautiful colours in the fins …. a more subtle beauty than H. vittatus.
We found a whole beach covered in Otter spoor; it had obviously been a family night out
Charlotte’s full Tanzania tigerfish trip report is online HERE.
If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.