If the sight of orange or yellow tails glinting on the flats makes your heart beat faster and you have become obsessed with the coral munching crustacean eaters then we have the answer. The Nubian flats of Sudan are home to the largest population of triggerfish yet discovered and the perfect spot to relieve the frustration.
Triggers I have always referred to as an attainable permit. They can be equally as clever and selective, but there are many more of them, increasing your chances significantly. Like permit they can get under your skin and start an obsession for which there is no cure. Although many of us developed this obsession on the coral edges and flats of the Seychelles and Xmas Island, the Nubian flats has to be THE spot for trigger aficionados. The unique tidal patterns here (next to none) allow anglers to target triggers right through a fishing session rather than just an hour or two on optimal tides. In the same way you would wade for bonefish, here you wade for triggers, often having multiple shots in one session. You will also see titan and yellow margins that look like footballs.
Triggers aside Sudan, also offers an extremely healthy GT population. Both our groups last year hit good numbers both on the flats, rock pinnacles and drop offs.
The Nubian flats are now our closest saltwater flats to Europe, and at €3,500 per rod for a 7 night/ 6 day mothership based trip offers extraordinary value for money. We have two rods remaining in 20 – 27 May hosted by Charlotte Chilcott and two rods remaining in the following week 27 May – 3 June hosted by Lutz Schepers who is returning after his incredible trip last year.
For more information or a detailed itinerary please contact Peter McLeod or call +44(0)1980 847389.