The Kendjam season has started with plenty of fish and happy anglers. A recent cancellation means we can offer three spots in a prime week at a 23% discount. This represents great value in a beautiful jungle location deep within Brazil’s Amazon basin.

Kendjam fishes the Iriri River, home to a plethora of species, of which ten are targetable on the fly: peacock bass, three different pacu species each with their own feeding habits, vampire fish (payara), wolf-fish (trairao), yatorana/matrincha, piranha, bicuda (freshwater barracuda).

We have three rods on the August 25th to September 1st week at Kendjam. Normal cost is US$7,590 (including US$600 native fee) and we can offer these for just US$5,770 (including US$520 native fee). Includes seven nights, six days fishing, overnight in Manaus on arrival, charter flights and boat transfers.

More information?
If you would like more information then please do not hesitate to contact Peter McLeod or call our office on +44(0)1980 847 389