Alphonse Island Fishing News – 12th to 19th November 2022
The week began with less-than-ideal weather around Alphonse Island but cleaned up slightly towards the end of the week. The anglers remained persistent, and some good fish came to hand.
Once again, the bonefish on St Francois were present in their thousands, and after most of the anglers warmed up with bonefish on the first day of the trip, their focus turned from the ghosts of the flats to the gangsters of the flats.
Most of the anglers were in pursuit of a monster giant trevally and they were not disappointed by the number of fish seen and landed. The most successful angler of the week was Niall Turley. Niall landed four GTs throughout the week with the first three measuring fish 68cm, 71cm, and 77cm respectively. The fish of the week, and Niall’s largest GT was a beautiful just-over-the-metre mark fish, taking the tape measure to 101cm, the GT was caught on Milky Way finger. It was quite the battle, the fish seemed to have the upper hand after breaking Niall’s rod but he stayed calm and kept on working for it, and eventually, it came to hand. Niall added nearly half to the total tally of the nine GTs landed throughout the week.
Targeting triggers for the week was made difficult by either the tides or the weather, but there were a few windows where the tides were perfect and the conditions were good. One thing was for sure, there were plenty of triggers around, but sticking true to their notorious behaviour, after many refusals only one moustache was landed during the week.
Bernard fished Alphonse during the week, he went for the species count and did very well. He caught countless different species of fish including bohar snappers, blue spangled emperors and bluefin trevally to mention a few, by the end of the week he’d also managed to land two GTs measuring 70cm and 75cm.
Catch stats from 12 anglers:
Bonefish 119
Giant trevally 9
Moustache triggerfish 1
If you would like more information and availability on Alphonse Island, please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.
Farquhar Atoll – Fishing News 9th to 16th November 2023
This week of the Farquhar season was an exceptional one, to say the least. The atoll really delivered and showed the guests what fishing this incredible atoll entails.
Chris Walsh, who was on the second week of his two-week trip, went out on the crossover day and managed to get his first bumped parrotfish, a GT, and a bonefish to complete the first slam of his trip.
The first official day of the week had some great catches. Chris went out again and landed another bumpy as well as a moustache triggerfish. Stanislav Gorbunov, a repeat guest to Farquhar, had an awesome day landing a beautiful moustache trigger and his boat partner for the week, Stanislav Egorov, went out and landed a beautiful napoleon wrasse, a fish that Farquhar is known for.
Chantal Chone, another repeat guest to Farquhar, landed a fantastic bumpy. Chantal also did a bit of offshore fishing and got the first sailfish for the season.
Mark Micaleff, on his second trip to the Seychelles Outer Islands, landed the second napoleon wrasse for the week. Mark Bielovich went out and got a trophy bonefish of 60cm. Chris went out again and landed his second biggest GT to date which was an awesome fish of 92cm.
Paul Neil had his heart and eyes set on one fish and that was the bumphead parrotfish. Giving it all he had, Paul managed a huge fish of 105cm, a very happy man with a well-sized first bumpy. Chris, who was now in the groove and got another moustache triggerfish and Clive Venning had a great day in the surf managing a couple of bonefish and his first GT of the trip.
The following three days were incredible, with the numbers racking up. Marco Dagnolo managed his first-ever GT on fly, a memorable catch. On the same boat, Paul got two GTs, the biggest 90cm. Stanislav Gorbunov went and landed a great bump after losing many. Stanislav Egorov also managed a great GT, the first for his trip. Mark B hooked and landed a trophy bonefish measuring 60cm and Chris once again shot the lights out managing three GTs for the day.
The second last day of the week produced the highest GT count of the season. A total of eight fish were caught. Mark M, Mark B, Marco, Clive, and Paul managed a GT each. Then Roy Enderburg managed his first-ever GT on fly and Chris got two for the day.
The last day of the week was sunny with a little less wind than the days before. Chris made an incredible catch of a 90cm GT on 20lb line on a 9wt. Mark M landed himself another GT for the week with Mark B and Paul quickly behind him. Stanislav Gorbunov went out and caught a GT as well as a huge bumpy of 105cm. Clive at the end of the day with not much time left hooked and landed his first-ever bump of 100cm.
Farquhar held a lot of firsts this week with great numbers and great fun had by all!
Catch stats from 9 anglers:
Giant trevally 21
Bumphead parrotfish 7
Bonefish 35
If you would like more information and availability on Farquhar, please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.
Cosmoledo Atoll – Fishing News 10th to 17th November 2022
A fun-filled second week here on Cosmoledo Atoll, with a very active bunch of returning guests. The week started off with multiple surf walks and ended with some very big GTs being seen once the neap tides arrived. The weather also played its part with the wind dropping off and sunny skies.
On the GT front, the size of the fish was well above average at around 90cm, with Saif Al Zarouni catching the fish of the week measuring a lovely 96cm. Saif also managed a second giant trevally of 90cm on the last day. Ed Lawrence arrived with the hope of getting vengeance on a GT lost a few years back, and he won his battle on the first day and one-upped himself by catching a second lovely fish of 88cm. David De Kock and Bill Kinney also managed to land their personal best GTs this week with David’s measuring 76cm and Bill’s at 93cm.
The triggerfish were also out and about this week with a good few seen and three lovely fish landed. Matt Born caught his personal best moustache trigger measuring a whooping 53cm, while John Kinney landed his first moustache triggerfish. Saif also managed to land his first yellow margin triggerfish and a healthy one at that measuring 49cm.
A good few bonefish were landed this week with David Ohara taking the ‘Bonefish King of the Week’ title by catching five extra-large Cosmoledo bones. Matt and David De Kock took the ‘Miscellaneous Fish of the Week’ award catching a massive African marble grouper and saddleback grouper on the flats. John Kinney kept his slam streak going from Alphonse and managed to land himself another awesome flats slam consisting of a GT, bonefish and triggerfish.
An awesome second week here on Cosmoledo with a lovely bunch of guests and familiar faces, although the fishing was tougher than usual a great week was had by all.
If you would like more information and availability on Cosmoledo, please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.