Cosmoledo 22nd – 29th April 21
The closing week of the Cosmoledo 2020-21 season did not disappoint.
Unfortunately, for two days, poor weather limited the time we could spend on the flats. But for the rest of the week, the nine anglers could make the most of the super moon spring tides.
The group consisted of two experienced ladies and three couples. None of the couples had fished in Seychelles, but Meredith Mccord and Chantal Chone have been fishing with us for years. Their experience showed as they were able to rack up their fair share of GTs, bonefish, triggerfish and numerous snapper and grouper species.
Rodney Loo struck first blood with his first GT caught by 8:30 am on the first day and finished the day with a second quality GT in the afternoon. Kristi Loo landed a handful of snappers, bluefin and grouper for a few days, but a GT remained elusive. Her day came on day three when she landed in typical Cosmo style, a beautiful GT on a ray, on a dazzling white sand flat. It was not over for the day as Kristi hooked a giant boa snapper and then the next cast another GT.
Wendy and Billy Atwell ticked the boxes each day and had a collection of bonefish and GTs to their name by the end of the week. Tom and Elizabeth Hart landed their first GTs, Tom on the second day and Elizabeth on day three. In between all this activity, they also managed groupers, snappers, bonefish and bluefin trevally. On the last afternoon that Tom’s trip was indeed made. It was a team effort. Elizabeth spotted a GT cruising along a coral edge of one of the islands. Tom put the fly in the right place, and after a magical eat, the fish ran straight for the coral and got wrapped. Thankfully, the guide could unstitch the fly line. Ten minutes later, the biggest fish of the week, a 86 cm GT, was landed.
The season closed after the four days of fishing, with the guides content with their efforts and the guest’s ecstatic with their experience.
Angler of the week had to be Helmut who managed a list of great fish, including 26 GTs, 2 triggerfish, 22 bonefish.

If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on +44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.