Cosmoledo 26 December-2 January 21
After a short Christmas break, we had the Collins and Baker families out for the New Year period. A slightly different week with only five of the Guests being completely dedicated to just fishing.
The first day had the boys out and about hunting the flats for any fish that moved. The wind was a bit harsh but by the end of the day, all the newcomers had landed their first GT and experienced some of the magic the Cosmoledo Atoll can hand out. The ladies had a slightly later start spending time in front of the lodge and walking Wizard Bay. When the tide pushed, they all headed out to the coral gardens outside one of the larger channels and had a fantastic time snorkelling in what was described as a massive aquarium of colour.

- 28 January – 4 February (3 rods)
- 18 Febuary – 25 February (2 rods)
- 25 Febuary – 04 March (1 rods)
- 11 March – 18 March (1 rods)
- 18 March – 25 March (2 rods)
- 25 March – 01 April (1 rods)
- 15 April – 22 April (10 rods)
The next two days were based around a family challenge. The guests were paired up with the guides and the first day was set around the team who could catch the first GT and the second day was the first bonefish. The girls won on both days of the challenge with Lilly Collins getting the first GT for the day and Georgina Baker getting the first bone, which was her first bonefish ever. The boys were very quiet for a few days after that. A flats lunch was set up on NE Island and after a morning full of exciting fishing, both families, met up for a scrumptious lunch in the water. Murray and Adam Collins had a similar fate, losing meter+ fish for two days in a row through sheer bad luck. On both occasions, the line wrapped and got stuck on something during the fight and the line exploded. Murray Baker had a special day mid-week with a flats slam consisting of a moustache triggerfish, a nice bonefish and a respectable 78 cm GT. A slightly different week to the normal but a fantastic week enjoyed by the guests going into a great New Year. To five anglers; 64 giant trevally, 20 bonefish and 1 triggerfish.
To read Olly’s experience of a day on Cosmoledo please click HERE.
If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on +44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.

Alphonse 26 December-2 January 21
Alphonse Island has been very festive over the last week with staff and anglers celebrating the New Year in style. Anglers were fortunate enough to experience the best weather Seychelles has to offer. Light winds and sunny conditions tied in with a transition from neap to spring tides allowing anglers some amazing fishing opportunities. The bonefish have been as good as ever, the largest bone over the week measured 65 cm weighing around 6.5 lbs. Anglers managed to land 154 bonefish over the week. Nick Howarth had been trying to get his hands around the tail of a GT for the last two weeks. Nick started the New Year off with a bang landing a 94 cm fish on the first day of the year. We were fortunate enough to be joined by Alexy Lavrova. Alexy is a world-class fly fisherman who has fished most parts of the world. Alexy joins us every year and this year he also started the new year with a bang. Alexy managed to land two GTs measuring 64 cm and 65 cm.

Mr David Keens was keen to catch a milkfish. The tide and weather were perfect, and the milkfish were up and happy. David managed to hook into a massive milkfish, after fighting, unfortunately, the fish was lost right at the boat after a lengthy three-hour fight. It was decided between anglers and guides that if the fish were landed it would have been an IGFA world record-sized milkfish.
Another fantastic week was spent at Alphonse Island fishing the St Francois Atoll. Memories were made and bonds were formed that will last a lifetime. Stay tuned for next week’s report as we are sure you won’t want to miss it.
Due to cancellations, there is space in the following weeks so do call for details:
30 Jan – 06 Feb 21 – 12 rods
06 – 13 Feb 21 NM 11th Feb – 5 rods
13 – 20 Feb 21 – 6 rods
20 – 27 Feb 21 FM 27th Feb – 2 rods
If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on +44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.