We are delighted to share this update from from Sette Cama Lodge in Gabon, where the 2023/24 season is underway. Over to the team on the ground:
After a four-month break, the highly anticipated 23′-’24’ Sette Cama season finally kicked off. Joining us at the camp were a group of South Africans from Kwazulu-Natal. When we met them at the Gamba airstrip, it was clear that their excitement levels were off the charts! The drive from the airstrip to the lagoon jetty treated us to an elephant sighting on the outskirts of Gamba town which was an incredible way to start the trip.

Jacks, corvina, snapper, and threadfin delight
The journey began slowly with a few sessions yielding some corvina and jacks for our guests. As the first day’s evening session approached at the close of day one, we decided to arrive at the mouth around 3.30 to catch the turn of the tide and the sunset bite. Chaos erupted shortly after our arrival, as most clients hooked into good-sized jacks, creating a classic jack smash with numerous topwater bites. Some snapper also added to the excitement. A zambo catch sealed the session, and the first day ended on a high note. The next morning brought more action with numerous jacks, Senegal kob, snapper, and a nice threadfin.

Unfortunately, the epic sessions we enjoyed in the first few days were interrupted by a large swell that arrived on Wednesday afternoon, coinciding with the approaching spring tides. The surging sea made for subpar fishing, and the evening session was cut short in favour of some refreshments on the camp verandah. The following morning, clients split into two groups, with some engaging in a successful micro-jigging session to search for snapper in the lagoon, while others embarked on a forest and beach walk in search of the diverse wildlife in the Sette Cama area. During the walk, we spotted a pair of forest buffalo on the beach above the high-water line. Their docile behaviour demonstrated how untouched and preserved this ecosystem is. We also had numerous sightings of hippo, sitatunga, red-capped mangabey monkeys, palm-nut vultures, and squirrels, rounding off the expedition. While we didn’t spot any gorillas or chimps, we did come across gorilla tracks and leopard tracks several times during the walk.

Exciting pursuit of the silver king
As the rough sea slowly began to calm down, there was a notable improvement in the fishing. During our walk, we had passed a promising spot on the north bank and had seen a couple of tarpon in the surf. That evening, we decided to fish the same tide in the same area the following morning. The next day, Shawn Kyle hooked into a tarpon that weighed around 60kg. A thrilling 10-minute fight ensued, but sadly, the tarpon was lost in the shore break. Despite the disappointment, the tarpon had finally made an appearance, and excitement ran high in the camp.
Coping with heavy swell and embracing wildlife wonders
The following morning, we opted to try the south bank instead, as the favourable tide for the north bank was later in the day – and tarpon would likely not be as active or eager to bite with the sun directly overhead. As the water began to drain out of the mouth, chaos erupted at the point where the south surf met the river mouth. Numerous tarpon were hooked, and Justin Kyle managed to land a large specimen after a 30-minute battle. That night, we had some excellent fishing. David Klepper landed a beautiful threadfin, and in addition, some fine Cubera snapper were caught, with Ant Galliers landing a particularly impressive specimen further down the beach. As the tide began to swing and the water drained out of the mouth, the fishing continued to improve. Among the many fish caught, Jon Bromilow hooked and landed the second tarpon of the day. After some quick photos, the fish was released, swimming off strongly. It had truly been an incredible day.

As the trip neared its end, every moment on the beach was dedicated to hooking another fish. Many more amazing catches, often taken for granted in Gabon, served as a testament to the incredible fishing this part of the world has to offer. What a fantastic start to the season.
If you would like more information on Sette Cama Lodge please contact Charlotte Chilcott or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.