The angling community has a rare opportunity to make an immediate impact on the future of Atlantic salmon in Iceland. The Icelandic Parliament is considering a bill that could protect or jeopardize this keystone species, and they want to hear from you.
The Atlantic salmon population has dropped by 70% due to open-net ocean pen farming, causing disease, pollution, and genetic issues. Iceland is one of the last refuges for wild salmon, and this bill needs stronger protections to prevent irreparable harm.
Help us urge the Icelandic Parliament to ban open-net ocean pen farming and pass robust conservation laws. This victory would set a global precedent.
You can sign the petition on the North Atlantic Salmon Fund’s (NASF) website. We only have until the end of the month to add our signatures so please act now.
For more details please do not hesitate to contact Peter McLeod or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.