Last minute availabitity 4th July at testcombe for 4 rods please call ASAP if Interested
As the mayfly season comes to an end on the River Test, it’s an ideal time to explore smaller rivers like the Wylye and the Itchen. The post-mayfly period has seen a surge in aggressive, wild fish activity. These smaller fish are currently thriving, while the bigger fish are back to eagerly feeding on nymphs, often sticking close to the riverbed.

This week, with the weed cut completed and new fish being stocked, there’s a distinct summer feel to the River Test. The water is gin-clear, and the bright sunshine makes it easier to spot hidden fish, with shadows now visible on the river bottom. This clarity shifts the advantage back to the angler, but it also means the choice of fly becomes critical.

No longer restricted to mayfly patterns, the question arises: should you use a small parachute Adams, a massive daddy longlegs, or something in between? Matching the hatch is key as the season turns more technical with “duffers’ fortnight” long gone.
For those looking for a different experience, consider fishing the smaller, wild fish rivers like the Wylye and the Itchen.

The number of spectacular wild fish in these rivers is overwhelming. When asked how to identify a wild fish, the best description I can offer is that everything about the fish appears in high definition—crisp, perfect colours and fins. Also it’s about having fun in the sun again !!!

Come and experience the unique challenges and rewards of fishing these vibrant waters.
If you would like to take back time and spend a really enjoyable day while experiencing some of the finest fishing no more than an hour and half from London then please contact Justin Hancock or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.