Following the immediate and temporary closure on the 20th June of 33 salmon and sea trout rivers around Norway due to poor numbers of salmon returning in the early part of the season, after review, the decision has been made to reopen several of the rivers. The reopening decision has been made based of the test nets in fjords detecting a pickup in salmon returning to the likes of the Namsen, Verdal and others. Sadly, for the likes of Gaula and Orkla the test nets did not pickup the bigger runs until a week later and a decision to close for the remainder of the season – the positive is that there should now be a good head of salmon in the river to spawn this autumn.

For the 2024 season we still have two terrific Norwegian venues available, and catches have been ahead of previous seasons so far, these include Oldero Lodge on the Lakselv in the north of Norway and Namsentunet on the Namsen in central Norway.
Oldero Lodge, River Lakselv

- 9 private beats including some of the best pools on the river
- Consistent producer of salmon in excess of 30-40 lbs
- Relatively easy wading on a medium sized river
- Fully guided trip, one guide to two anglers (single guiding also available)
- Single rooms as standard, great food and fully licenced bar
4 – 11 August (week 32): 3 rods (prime week)
Namsentunet Lodge, River Namsen

- 4 large, double banked private beats
- Great pools for fly fishing from mid-June to August
- Suitable for individual rods to larger groups with full-time guiding
- Hydro-electric dam controls flows, helping to manage extreme high and low water
- Comfortable lodge and excellent dining
21 – 28 July (week 30): 3 rods – £3,410 per person
28 July – 4 August (week 31): 6 rods – £3,410 per person
4 – 11 August (week 32): 4 rods – £3,410 per person
11 – 25 August (week 33): 8 rods – £3,410 per person
25 August – 1 September (week 34): 7 rods – £3,410 per person
Please note that the main river beats at Namsentunet close on 15th August. For fishing beyond that date guests have access to other beats on the Upper Namsen (20 min drive away) and Sandola (10 min drive). Guests will stay at Namsentunet and the guides will offer the short transfer to the beats.
For more information about salmon fishing in Norway please contact Alex Jardine or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.