Nestled between the Andes and the rainforest run crystal clear streams teeming with life, seemingly untouched and unmolested by the hand of man. Within this fish-rich waters lurk marauding dorado, which will test both angler and tackle to their limits. Pacu – nicknamed the freshwater permit – also exist in the rivers, providing an extra element of intrigue. Numerous species of catfish also call this haven their home, with some being targetable on the fly. All in all, this is a fly-fishers playground and one that you are unlikely to forget for a very long time. A must visit location and we are confident you will return for more.
Over the last two seasons some new and exciting outcamps emerged, which were in addition to the tried and tested Secure and Pluma lodges. These outcamps were standalone packages, or could be combined with the main programme. However, for the 2015 season and onwards some exciting changes are planned where you choose between Secure and Pluma and then take in the outcamps during your stay. This really adds a lot to the experience and allows you to explore the best of both worlds.
The Pluma lodge will now combine forces with the Upper Pluma outcamp and also the Itirizama River outcamp. While the Secure camp will join with the Agua Negra outcamp. Two fantastic operations to choose from and very exciting change.
The price for the 2014 season in the main lodge is US$7,600 per rod + a US$550 ‘Indian National Reserve’ fee. Or, why not do both camps? The two week package will cost US$14,500 and really give you the full experience.
For more information or to make a booking please contact Steffan Jones or phone 01980 847 389.