The 2016 Iceland salmon season appears to have continued on from where it left last year, 2015 was a near record year in terms of fish numbers, with good numbers of fish being caught. All over the country we have received reports of salmon being seen in large numbers, and they are big (15 – 20 lbs), and we still have another two weeks until most salmon rivers in Iceland start their fishing…
Both the Nordurá and Blandá have begun their 2016 season with fantastic results. In the first two and a half days on Nordurá 76 multi-sea wintered salmon were landed to just six rods. The first day of fishing on Blandá produced 50 multi-sea wintered salmon to just four rods.
These numbers have never been reported so early in the Iceland season, and most encouraging of all is the number of larger cock salmon that have been missing from the West Coast rivers in the last 15 years.
It is clear that the early season fishing will be good this year and the fish will have a chance to spread throughout the river systems. The Icelandic Spring has also been much milder than the past four years and everything is two weeks ahead leading to a question of whether the grilse runs will also move into the rivers earlier this year.
Snow levels have been good across Iceland and we are optimistic of good flows throughout all salmon rivers. We still have a couple of openings for the 2016 season:
2 – 6 August (4 days): 2 rods, £4,690 per rod
8 – 11 July (3 days): 1 rod, £1,750 per rod (self-catered with other group)
8 – 12 September (4 days): 2 rods, £3,190 per rod (full service)
For more information on Icelandic salmon fishing please contact Peter McLeod or Alex Jardine or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.