The first week of July has brought mixed feelings. One the one hand we have seen a big increase in the fish numbers running the rivers with catch stats going up across the board. The downside is that the temperatures have dropped with a north wind coupled with bright sunny conditions which has slowed the fishing a bit. Air Temperatures have dropped to as low as 4°C on some rivers, with water temperatures being higher which is never ideal. Nevertheless many of our fishermen had great success along with some of our Norwegian fishermen switched over at the last minute. The coming weeks forecast looks more encouraging so we look forward to hearing tales of adventure.  

Salmon, sea trout Laxa I Kjos, Iceland, Aardvark McLeod

Laxa I Kjos has had a big run of fish come into the river and have landed 28 fish on the last two days. The river last week landed 47 salmon taking their total to 120 fish. Water levels are excellent but like much of the west coast have been hampered by stunning sunny weather and very cold winds. Air temperatures dropped down to single digits with lower water temperatures below 4°C. The big piece of news this week is the size of the sea trout running the river. Whereas last year a good sea trout was over 70 cm, this year it maybe be 80 cm plus. Where ever those fish went to feed they have mended well. Largest fish of the week was an 82cm fish weighing approximately 14lb was landed in Sjalfkviar on a size 14 collie dog. Top flies have been Black Frances, Red Frances, Haugur, sunray shadow and Collie Dog.

Nordura, Iceland, Aardvark McLeod

The Nordurá has continued to perform with big runs entering the river, but they too have had the catch stats impacted by the lovely weather. The rivers landed 131 fish taking their total to 533. Water levels remain consistent although air temperatures have remained  warm between 11 – 12°C with similar water temperatures. The right sunshine though has made the fishing a little slower that we would have liked. Most of the fish have been between 53 and 65 cm so the summer salmon and grilse have turned up n force. Largest fish so far is still an 88cm fish weighing 16lb from Hornbreida on a sunray shadow, and best patterns remain Sunray shadow, Silver sheep, Haugur and the Collie Dog.  

Midfjardara, Iceland, Aardvark McLeod

The Midfjardara had a much better week and have landed between 15 – 20 fish a day with an average weight of 8lb. The river landed another 123 fish last week taking their total to 209 fish. They landed 32 fish in the last two days as the big numbers of fish we saw running the week before have finally come on the take with two rods hooking 18 and landing 11 this morning on beat 1. They have had some very cold days, dropping as low as 3°C, but the last few days have been nicely overcast and fishing has been good.  Best flies so far have continued to be Sunray Shadow, Hitch tubes, Skuggi Skaskorinn and Collie Dog.

The Stora Laxa has been fishing very well  and continues to  produce large fish with an average weight of 12lb. The river landed 57 fish over the course of the week taking the total to 134. Largest fish was a 91 cm fish weighing 18lb from Kálfhagahylur on a Valbeinn. Alex Jardine and his team had a wonderful time and were wonderfully looked after landing 18 fish in three days with the largest estimate at 18lb. Top flies so far have been Valbeinn, Sunray Shadow, Collie Dog, Cone Red Frances and Red Frances. (We still have some excellent space and discounts on Stora Laxa, click HERE)

The Hitara has benefitted from kind conditions and landed 39 fish last week with an average weight of 7 lb to the six rods taking their total to 68. Largest fish was an 92cm fish weighing 18 ½ lbs from Langidrattur on a Sunray. Top flies this week have been Red Frances, Skuggi, Sunray Shadow and blue and black.

Langa, Iceland salmon fishing, Aardvark McLeod

The Langa had a solid week landing 52 salmon averaging 6 lb taking their total to 140 fish. Largest fish remans an 82cm fish weighing 13lb caught Efri Langisjor on a cone head Red Frances. Top flies this week have been Red Frances, Sunray Shadow, Green Butt, and Micro hitch.

We still have some last minute availability in Iceland if you dont want to miss out, click HERE or please do not hesitate to contact Peter McLeod or Alex Jardine or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.