Fly fish Guanaja Lodge in Honduras offers a varied Caribbean fishing experience where shallow flats comprise sand, turtle grass and coral. Within the diverse fishery anglers will find permit, bonefish, tarpon, snook, jacks, triggerfish, barracuda, and more. It’s a great spot for both novice and experienced anglers.

The lodge
Fly Fish Guanaja Lodge is tucked on the ocean front in the heart of Mangrove Bight, a small, local fishing community. Accommodation comprises five air-conditioned cabins from which you can walk straight onto your boat in the morning. The restaurant serves great fresh, local inspired food.

Fly Fishing at Fly Fish Guanaja Lodge
Fishing is mainly for permit and bonefish, but anglers can also hunt for tarpon, snook, various species of jacks and triggerfish. You can expect to wade for a large proportion of the day, with flats well suited to stalking fish on foot.

Permit are abundant and you are likely to see 10 to 50 a day with multiple casting opportunities. You will fish the river mouth, lagoon and flats of the north side of the island as well as lush sandy beaches near the raised flats. Guanaja bonefish average four to seven pounds with some reaching around 10lb. There are several big schools around the smaller islands on the south of Guanaja and big singles feed around the entire coast. Tarpon aren’t a prominent species here but when found, they range from five to 40lb.

Other species include snook which are found in schools in the same terrain as permit or tarpon. You are sure to see jacks at some point during your visit. These powerhouses are great fun to cast at and if you hook up, just hold on for the ride. Triggerfish – of which there are many in the flats around Guanaja – are also a blast to fish for.
2023 Availability
15 – 22 July 2023
22 – 29 July 2023
5 – 12 August 2023
16 – 23 September 2023
7 – 14 October 2023
2023 Cost for a 7 night / 6 day package:
From US$3,850 plus $225 transport fee (Roatan / Guanaja return) per person based on a shared room and shared boat. International flights not included.
Single room and boat options available.

If you would like more information about Fly Fish Guanaja Lodge please contact Alex Jardine or call our office on +44(0)1980 847 389.