Thingvallavatn, Iceland

Monster wild brown trout

Imagine a lake that regularly produces wild brown trout of seven to nine pounds and where fish over 20lb are not uncommon. That lake exists and it is less than a three hour flight from London. Thingvallavatn, or Lake Thingvellir, is Iceland’s largest lake, home to monster brown trout and with a growing reputation amongst fly fishing circles.

Extraordinary battles and brown trout over 30lb

Due to numerous hot springs around Thingvallavatn there are certain parts where the water remains a constant three to four degrees centigrade.  Life flourishes here and the brown trout have a huge quantity of naturally occurring food from midge to stickleback. Stories of extraordinary battles have gone down in folklore with some of the largest fish landed in excess of 30lb.

Fly fishing methods vary according to the conditions but fish can be caught on dries, nymphs and streamers. Spring tends to be the best time for the largest fish as this is when the cannibalistic trout follow the Arctic char into the shallower water.

These fish will put the best tackle to the test, and we recommend all anglers prepare good strong set ups with plenty of backing. Losing one of these monster trout due to an insufficient amount of line can be heart breaking.

Various accommodation options

There are various lodging options based on group size and personal preference, from small self-catering lodges to full service hotels.

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