Pike Guided Days – Chalkstream Fly Fishing

The Chalkstreams offer unique sight fishing for pike

Throughout the winter months we offer pike guided days chalkstream fly fishing. On the surface, the chalkstreams often appear a calm and sedate place, but under the surface it is quite a different story. Brown trout and grayling thrive in the swift flows and nutrient rich clear waters, but venture into the deeper parts and there is another fish that lies in weight, the pike.

The Apex Predator of the Clear Chalkstreams

Pike are the apex predator in freshwater, they are masters of stealth and camouflage. They have the ability to remain hidden for long periods of time, before moving with stunning speed and ferocity to take their prey.

Over recent years they have gained a cult-like status amongst some anglers, whilst others still shy away from them. They were for a long time persecuted for attacking trout, but we have since learnt that pike offer an important part of a healthy chalkstream environment. They are now able to flourish alongside brown trout and grayling.

Bait fishing has always been the preferred method for pike, with lure fishing coming a close second. With the growth in dedicated anglers there is now a better understanding on how to target them with fly tackle, with some anglers even tempting fish of over 30 lbs on the fly.

This winter we will be offering guided trips on the middle and lower River Test for pike. These days will be a great way to discover pike fishing or to finesse your current methods.

The days can be arranged for one or two anglers:
2021/22 Price From:
£370 for one angler with guide
£460 for two angler with guide

Pike tackle can be provided by prior arrangement.


Our guided pike fly fishing days are in easy reach of London and many other main towns in the south of England. Whether you drive, fly or get the train it will not take long to reach the fishing.

For those looking for longer stays in the area, we can combine with other chalkstream fly fishing options in the area. There are numerous accommodation options suitable for all types of stay, from small B&Bs to full Country House Hotels.

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