Kendjam (Iriri River)

Fly fishing in Brazil

The Kayapo are one of the main indigenous communities within this area and the fishing operation is based around their village at Kendjam.  With the chance to visit the village and interact with the Kendjam people, this offers much more than a fishing destination.

Multi-variety species

The Iriri is a clear river flowing largely over granite bedrock. It’s a freestone river with a decent gradient allowing for nice runs, riffles and pools to form. This provides a fantastic environment in which to fish and also an amazing environment for fish to proliferate, which they have done.

These fish-rich waters are home to a plethora of species, of which there are around ten targetable on the fly: peacock bass, three different pacu species each with their own feeding habits, vampire fish (payara), wolf-fish (trairao), yatorana/matrincha, piranha, bicuda (freshwater barracuda).

Each species presents a different challenge and fishing style, from dead-drifting big dry flies for the matrinchas through to stripping poppers for the peacock bass or dead-drifting weed patterns for the pacu. It is immensely interesting fishing and the surrounding virgin rainforest, myriad different animals and birds add to the Kendjam experience.

Lovely Riverside Lodge

The fishing has been built around the environment and the local inhabitants, it is sustainable and very low impact. 

The lodge is located in a wonderful sandy beach area in front of a gorgeous pool of Iriri river, 45kms downstream the Kendjam community.  Accommodation comprises five double occupancy rooms with spring box beds, private bathroom, hot water and electric light.  Meals are served in the well-fashioned living and dining room and there is a porch to enjoy the magnificent sunsets on the Iriri River.  Satellite internet wireless connection and phone service is available.  

Solar panels provide full electric power every night and a laundry service is offered at no additional cost.

Unspoiled and protected Amazon forest

Kendjam is located on the Iriri River, around a three hour flight south east of Manaus. The Iriri is a tributary of the Xingu River, itself a tributary of the mighty Amazon. The location and river is unusual in that it offers clear water in an otherwise sediment heavy system.

The river is located within the Mekragnoti Indigenous Territory; an area of some five million hectares of pure, unspoiled and protected Amazon forest. Just 700 Indians live within this enormous area which is one of the most isolated tropical jungles on earth.

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