
Excellent Fly fishing in Iceland

Hrútafjarðará is an excellent three rod river in northern Iceland, approximately 180km from Reykjavik. This extremely attractive river runs from Holtavorduheidi down towards Hrutafjordur and is full of stunning looking pools. The average catch ranges between 400 and 600 depending on water height during the summer.

Plentiful pools and varied water 

Hrútafjarðará is fishable for nine kilometres until the waterfall at Rettarfoss which is one of the most famous pools in Hrútafjarðará. There is also fishing in Sika, a tributary of Hrútafjarðará where there is approximately three kilometres of challenging fishing in small canyons. Sika runs into Hrútafjarðará about one kilometre from the sea and creates a stunning junction pool.

The 42 marked pools in Hrútafjarðará are fished on three rods. The river is relatively small, making it the perfect stage for some fantastic sight fishing for salmon with single handed rods and small flies. Hitching is a very effective style here and a method considered by many as the most entertaining form of salmon fishing. The lower river produces some excellent sea run char, many of them three to seven pounds. 

a comfortable Icelandic lodge

Hrútafjarðará’s comfortable lodge is situated adjacent to the lower pools. The interior was recently refurbished and comprises four bedrooms, sitting room with fireplace, fully equipped kitchen, a drying room for waders, and an extended veranda with a hot tub. Although sold as a self catering lodge it is possible to bring in a chef and guides.


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