Grand Varzuga

Experience Fly fishing in Russia

The Varzuga river is a very popular river with anglers from all over the world. No wonder considering the catch records, amazing scenery and wonderful fly fishing pools.

The Grand Varzuga Camp located on the Upper Varzuga has access to more than 30 km of the most attractive and enjoyable salmon fishing on the Kola Peninsula. One of the most popular and fantastic salmon rivers on Kola, with good reason; this charming section of the river gives access to the most prestigious and remote part of Varzuga from the Yzia tributary down to the junction with Pana River.

‘The’ river for Salmon Anglers

When the season starts the river often runs high and cold, and it is best to use a double-handed rod at this time. In June the temperature usually rises quite quickly giving way to the Russian arctic summer, and this can be surprisingly warm. Anglers will then be changing to floating lines and flies fished near or on the surface, e.g. riffling hitch or dry flies. Single hand rods or Switch rods (light double-handed rods) is the prime choice for many guests during this period.

Clear water and easy wading conditions add to the enjoyment. Grand Varzuga is an outstanding part of the river for all passionate salmon anglers, no matter the conditions, and, therefore ,very popular with many guests from all over the world with repeat visits being commonplace.

Most of the fish targeted and caught will be grilse in the 6-8 lbs range. However, fish in the low and mid teens will also be caught during your stay and are present. This is not, however, a big fish river. The salmon are usually plentiful and a typical stay will see an average of 20-30 salmon per rod.

Relax after a nice day on the water

The Grand Varzuga camp accommodates up to 10 guests in five cabins with 10 single rooms. Central shower and washing house, and a cozy centrally placed dinning house with a veranda overlooking the river. There is also a Russian banya (sauna) at the Grand Varzuga camp, where you can enjoy steamy and relaxing warmth after a good days fishing.

The camp manager will setup a weekly fishing schedule that suits the conditions and actual numbers of guest in camp. This system is tried and trusted and every guest will usually fish all pools more than once. Fishing after dinner is usually free around camp – but it is still under the directions of the camp manager. If necessary there will be made up a schedule for evening fishing. Early morning fishing is restricted to the beats you are going to after breakfast. For an extra tip guides will be available for evening fishing also on the beats further from camp. Make these agreements before dinner directly with you guide.

Grand Varzuga is a very versatile section on the Upper Varzuga system fulfilling wishes and dreams of all anglers – the area is so remote you will feel you have finally come to Salmon heaven!

An Undiscovered Fly Fishing Experience

Grand Varzuga is a section on the Upper Varzuga and is located approximately 12 km upstream of the Pana tributary. Here the river is medium sized, 30 to 65 meters wide with numerous fast runs and rocky parts, which provides great holding spots and fantastic fly water.

There are also slower and deeper parts, where some of the largest Varzuga fish tend to hold. The biggest salmon of Varzuga are actually ‘designed’ to reach this part of the river. Close to the camp there is plenty of good fly fishing water. Not all of the pools have been ‘discovered’ yet, so you could still manage to have a pool named after you!

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