Croatia Fly Fishing

the hidden gem of European fly fishing

Fly Fishing in Croatia may not be as widely talked about as that in its Balkan neighbours; Slovenia and Bosnia, but it offers some phenomenal fishing experiences. The country boasts numerous crystal clear and insect rich rivers, including some very similar to our own chalkstreams such as the Gacka. Our programme offers access to many of the top rivers, in the company of excellent English speaking guides. These experienced guides know the rivers intimately and will put you on the fish and help you catch them, including chances to catch the incredibly rare softmouth trout endemic to the region.

Discover the Rivers and Streams of Croatia

The rivers and streams of Croatia benefit from its limestone geology. The porous bed rock filters out impurities and adds nutrients that in turn create a fantastic environment for insects and fish to thrive as well as beautifully clear water. Grayling and brown trout flourish in these waters and anglers will also encounter rainbow trout and Danubian salmon (hucho hucho). The fishing options are seemingly endless but we focus on three main river systems; the Gacka, Kupa, and Slunjcica.

The Gacka River is atypical of a chalkstream or spring creek; slow flowing, consistent water temperatures (annual average of 9.4°C), luscious weed growth and rising fish. The brown trout of the river are believed to grow quicker here than almost anywhere else in the world and have been know to reach 8kg (17lb). The river gently twists its way through low farmland and is fished almost exclusively from the bank with anglers focusing on the impressive fly hatches and opportunities to fish dry flies.

The Kupa River (or Kolpa), a tributary of the Sava River, forms a natural border between Croatia and Slovenia. It also benefits from the limestone bedrock, but due to the terrain it is much more akin to a classic freestone river. Anglers can enjoy mile upon mile of runs and pools. Wading is essential and can be challenging in parts as the river flows over a rocky river bed as it carves through forested hillsides. The river is great a great place to target native grayling, smaller brown trout and, during the winter time, is excellent for hucho fishing.

The Kupica River is the first main tributary of the Kupa, and although only three kilometres long, it is full of grayling. The fishing is dry fly only and can often be breathtaking. For those wanting to explore the smaller streams, there is also the Curak. Anglers can have great days here using dries, nymphs and streamers.

The Slunjčica River flows through the Kordun region in central Croatia and again enjoys its limestone source, locally it is referred to as “Grayling Land”. The river sits somewhere between the Gacka and Kupa in terms of its appearance. Some sections are heavily defined with harsh bedrock making access and wading tricky but these then give way to steady flows over shingle. It is these easier wading areas where the biggest grayling hold out but that certainly does not mean they are easy to catch. The river also has a native population of brown trout.

From the 1st May – 30th September it is possible to target the softmouth trout, a species endemic to the region and only known to exist in five Balkan river systems, three of which are in Croatia. It is a fish that takes the appearance of a brown trout that has crossed with a grayling. These fish are incredibly rare but it can be possible to organise specific day trips to try and catch one.

A range of Accommodation

There is a range of accommodation available to anglers and non-fishers, we have hand selected them due to their location to the fishing venues. For non-fishing guests we have a fantastic range of options well placed for daily excursions.

Within easy reach of Zagreb

The packages originate in Zagreb making them very accessible for anglers from all over the world. The international airport has direct flights to to all main European hubs including London Heathrow, Dublin, Paris CDG, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Munich, as well as UAE hubs Dubai and Doha.

Once in country the fishing locations are within two hours drive away.

2025 Season Rates (Full Board)

Gacka Package:
3 Nights / 4 Days – E2,290 per person

Croatia Fly Fishing package (Full Board)

6 Nights E2,790 per person

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