
Carp on Fly Adventures, Carp fishing Portugal, fly fishing Portugal, Aardvark McLeod

Carp on on fly adventures, Portugal

Varied - depending on accommodation

Carp on fly adventures, Portugal Lovely choice for fishers and non-fishers alike Fly fishing for carp in Portugal is one of our newest and most exciting offerings. Catching carp on

Fly Fish Guanaja Faraway Cays, Honduras permit, Honduras bonefish, Honduras fly fishing, Aardvark McLeod

Fly Fish Guanaja, Faraway Cays, Honduras

2023, from $13,500 per person for 6 nights / 5.5 days

Fly Fish Guanaja, Faraway Cays, Honduras An outpost fishing experience for serious anglers Fly Fish Guanaja’s Faraway Cays basecamp offers a special fly fishing experience. This remote outpost camp off

Fly fish Guanaja Lodge, Honduras fly fishing, Honduras bone fishing, Honduras permit fishing, Aardvark McLeod

Fly Fish Guanaja Lodge, Honduras

2023, from $3,850 per person for 7 nights / 6 days

Fly Fish Guanaja Lodge, Honduras A diverse Caribbean flats fishery with plenty of hungry permit Fly fish Guanaja Lodge in Honduras offers a varied Caribbean fishing experience where shallow flats


Great Bonefishing, Turks and Caicos

From $1,250 for 4 nights / 3 days

Great Bonefishing, Turks and Caicos Fantastic wading and stalking of bonefish in glorious isolation Some of the finest fly fishing for bonefish in the Turks and Caicos is found on

Battle Field Lodge, sea trout fishing Iceland, Aardvark McLeod

Battle Hill Lodge

Battle Hill Lodge Superb sea trout fishing Iceland’s incredible sea trout fishing has long been overlooked by those in favour of salmon. Battle Hill Lodge is the country’s first specific

X Flats Mexico, permit fishing, Mexico permit fishing, saltwater fly fishing Mexico, Aardvark McLeod

Xflats Lodge, Mexico

Xflats Lodge, Mexico A MEXICAN PERMIT AND BONEFISH HOTSPOT The Xflats lodge in Xcalak offers some of Mexico’s best saltwater fly fishing. The Chetumal Bay fishery is a stunning, shallow


Tsimane – Helicopter Fly In

2024 from US$17,250 per rod - to include National Park and Indian Association Fees.

Tsimane Heliciopter Fly In EXCITING GOLDEN DORADO FISHING IN THE BOLIVIAN AMAZON The Tsimané Heli fly fishing programme offers an extraordinary golden dorado fly fishing experience in Bolivia. This, the

Blue Horizon Lodge, Belize, Permit, Caribbean permit, Belize permit, Aardvark McLeod

Blue Horizon Lodge

Dependant on room type and board

Blue Horizon Lodge SOME OF THE BEST PERMIT FISHING IN THE CARIBBEAN Blue Horizon Lodge in Belize offers access to some of the best permit fly fishing flats in the

Buryat Headwaters Expedition, Onon River, taimen fishing Mongolia, Aardvark McLeod

Buryat Headwaters Expedition

2025 from US$7,950 per person

Buryat Headwaters Expedition REMOTE, EXPEDITION STYLE FISHING The Buryat Headwaters Expedition offers fly fishing on the upper third of one of Mongolia’s finest taimen rivers.  It is  a wonderfully unique
