The new season has kicked off on Cosmoledo Atoll with anglers experiencing vast sand flats, beautiful islands and an incredible lagoon all ruled by the incomparable giant trevally. Keep in touch with this page where we’ll update Cosmoledo 2023/24 season fishing news as the reports come in week by week.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 11th to 18th April 2024

The concluding week on Cosmoledo Atoll was predominantly based on neap tides. However, surf walks were made possible at the beginning of the week due to big new moon tides the week before, which eventually became full neaps at the end of the week.

Matt Frey, Erin Hennigan, Brian Leuchtenburg, Lucas Brunette, and Zulkifli Baharudin all landed their first Giant trevally this week – congratulations gentlemen.

Brett Tighe and Erin had one of the best day’s fishing they have ever had on the backside of Wizard Island. Over the full neap tide with hardly any water movement, Brett and Erin managed to rack up huge GT numbers. Brett successfully landed 11 GTs, with Erin close behind with seven for the day. A phenomenal day out on the water.

Talgat Turumbayev and Yerkin Tatishev had some great afternoons on the backside of Wizard, with many fish taken on multiple occasions.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 4th to 11th April 2024

This week on Cosmoledo was based on the New Moon spring tides of April. With intense water movement over the entire atoll each day, target species were found in good numbers throughout the week. The weather was not in our favour as we encountered an unusual amount of rain. Nevertheless, our anglers stayed motivated and positive.

Surf walks were made available this week, and a couple of boats searched the surf line for giant trevally and various other fish species. Some of our guests managed to land a couple of GTs in the surf, which is always a special experience.

Considering the weather, the lagoon fishing this week was also very good in terms of fish numbers. GTs were found in many areas and in a variety of different scenarios. We saw them free-swimming, fish on rays, on sharks, and in groups swimming together.

When conditions allowed, some guests went outside the atoll to fish for various coral-dwelling species with dredging flies over large coral drop-offs, enticing an array of beautiful fish to the fly.

Shiro Saraya, Takahiro Shinkawa, Hirotsugu Daishima, Yusako Tsitsikamma, Mykhaylo Dubrovka, Richard Gush, Paul Comer, Richard and Olson Rodgers were all first-timers to Cosmoledo Atoll, and they all managed to catch themselves their very first giant trevallies on the fly. A great fish to have ticked off your bucket list. Congratulations, gentlemen, on this success in landing some beautiful fish!

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 28th March to 4th April 2024

The week on Cosmoledo started with the tail end of the full moon spring tides, slowly moving into full neap tides as the week progressed. The weather was very stable, and conditions were lovely. Some days had stronger winds than others, but overall, the wind conditions were good.

Jennifer Bartlett had a great week with us after her time on Alphonse. She caught a 48cm moustache triggerfish on her very first day out on the surf on the western side of the atoll. Jennifer also managed her first giant trevally and a lovely 68cm bluefin, which she had been after for some time. Congratulations, Jennifer, on some great fishing!

Father and son Sydney and Tyler Allison were both caught their first GTs. They also caught some wonderful grouper and snapper species on this trip and ticked off many other fish on their bucket lists!

Karin Fischer hit the jackpot with a massive yellow margin triggerfish coming in at 55cm, which was caught on the eastern side of the atoll on the glass still with no wind. An epic fish in an incredible area. Congrats to Karin on a great catch!

Heertjie Kwint had a phenomenal week of bluewater fishing. Over the course of two days, she landed a lovely wahoo on fly and a beautiful yellowfin tuna estimated at around 10 – 12 kg.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 21st to 28th March 2024

This past week on Cosmoledo was set over a full moon spring tide. Over the week, water movement slowly increased day by day. The weather conditions at the beginning of the week started off with fairly high winds and some rainfall. Nevertheless, this did not hinder the anglers, and a good number of fish were brought in. The latter part of the week was absolutely beautiful in regard to weather, sunlight, and wind conditions.

This was a week of many firsts. David Lamar, Mark, Andrew, and Daniel Mays, Tate Seeligson, Max and Phil Sawyer, and Graves Peeler all caught their first GTs.

During a walk on the western side of the atoll, Graves managed a lovely moustache triggerfish and five GTs in the surf. Congratulations, Graves, on your successful surf walk!

Brothers Randal and Mark both landed a good number of triggerfish, Randal landing a beautiful yellow margin trigger and Mark a moustache. Their group landed both fish out of the corals against the southwest cliffs. Congrats to the brothers on their success!

Tate got lucky with some triggerfish this week, bagging two moustache fish over two days in the surf. These were his first triggers, along with a couple of great GTs. Congratulations, Tate!

Father and son Phil and Max had a great week managing to put some GTs on the board. Congratulations on ticking the coveted giant trevally off your lists!

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 14th to 21st March 2024

This week on Cosmoledo saw the second neap tides of the month of March. Water movement at the beginning of the week was still strong from the previous spring tide but slowly tapered off into full neap tides towards the end of the week.

The weather at the beginning of the week was tough, with a couple of overcast days, cloud cover and rain. This cleared up nicely in the latter half of the week, resulting in bright skies and warmer water.

Kent Lindvall caught his first giant trevally and caught an impressive 101cm GT the very next day! William Kirkpatrick had an outstanding week and caught 11 GTs. Andrew Uhr was also able to land his very first giant trevally. Some good bonefish were caught over the week by a couple of the anglers, and some very close calls on some triggers.

We had a great week with our guests and celebrating their catches.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 7th to 14th March 2024

This past week on Cosmoledo coincided with the March new moon spring tides. The tidal movement was extreme, making many boats spend multiple days in the surf. Great light conditions enhanced the fishing. The time spent in the surf showcased some phenomenal triggerfish catches and returns, with many aggressive triggers seen and landed.

Chris Black, Nicholas Lee, Sarah and David Fudurich, Greg and Chris Richter, and Scott Elsas all landed their very first giant trevally on the fly this week, adding another incredible fish species to their names.

Chris Black had an extremely successful week. In addition to catching a couple of very nice GTs, he managed to land five moustache triggerfish in two days of walking the surf. He also caught a magnificent 95cm GT in the lagoon.

David finally ticked off his very first meter-long giant trevally, measuring 115cm in length, and went on to catch another 100cm GT later in the week – wow, Dave! He set aside some time for a permit, and with his luck and skill, hooked a lovely 58cm fish.

Tyler Hogan also had his hands full this week. He devoted many hours to searching for a permit and eventually got his hands on an amazing fish in the Bay of Wizard, measuring 57cm. Tyler also had two beautiful moustache triggerfish come his way, which added to his incredible week, along with a bunch of giant trevally.

Greg and Chris Richter landed multiple fish during their stay with us, including some great bonefish, lots of GTs, and three moustache triggerfish.

Looking at our triggerfish numbers and all that was seen, this was our best week of the season. We also managed some good variety during the week, with two nice permits and a good number of beautiful GTs. It was an excellent week altogether, and we look forward to having you all back here again soon!

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 29th February to 7th March 2024

Our last week of the season on Cosmoledo was mainly based on neap tides. The beginning and the end of the week had more water movement compared to the middle of the week. This left us with lots of areas to fish all day. The weather over the first day was excellent: full sun, no clouds, and no wind making perfect conditions for flats fishing. The guests were ecstatic as most of them caught their first GTs on the very first day! The rest of the week was filled with a variety of weather conditions, providing the guests with the opportunity to experience fishing in various weather scenarios.

John and Kyle Edwards, Warren Bass, Joshua Luft-Glidden, John Butcher, and Schyler Van Gorden all caught their first GTs on day one. Duan van Wijk and Giulio Forno also caught GTs later in the week. Congratulations, gentlemen, on ticking off yet another fantastic saltwater species on the fly!

Ian McNiel caught himself a fish of a lifetime. After 30 years of targeting permits all over the world, Ian finally had his dream come true when he landed a 63cm permit. It was an incredible moment for both Ian and his guide. Congratulations!

John Butcher got his hands on a lovely moustache trigger right at the end of the week after having some good luck with GTs as well. Congrats, John!

Reyhard Du Toit captured his very first permit on the second day of the week, a fish he had been after for a long time. Reyhard’s permit, caught on Menai sand flat, measured a breathtaking 70cm in length. A massive congratulations to Reyhard on a phenomenal fish!

Warren Bass ended up with a large number of GTs for the week. He also caught his very first bonefish on top of his first GT. Congrats, Warren!

Overall, it was a very successful week for all and a great way to end the season.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 22nd to 29th February 2024

The week started off leading up to full moon spring tides for the end of February. We had great water movement from the start of the week right through to the last day. If they favoured a surf walk, the guests had the opportunity to do it daily.

Helmut Zaderer had a phenomenal week’s fishing. He put in many hours searching for a big fish and managed to catch two fine specimens that achieved the metre mark: a giant trevally of 121cm and a second of 125cm. He also managed a few more GTs over his time here, as well as a lovely moustache. Congratulations to Helmut on an exceptional performance this week!

Throughout the week, Stefan Kreupl caught several GTs, his best being an impressive 92cm fish. Well done to Stefan on some great fishing.

Craig Bartholomew managed to catch his first bonefish and first GT on his first two days of the week. This was his very first saltwater trip, and we hope these catches are just the beginning of his long and adventurous saltwater fishing journey.

Peter Jones was Craig’s boat partner this week. He managed to land his first bonefish and some nice GTs. Congratulations to Peter on his first milkfish; always a special fish to boast about.

Overall, we had a very successful week on Cosmoledo with a good number of fish caught. Thank you to everyone who joined us here. We look forward to having you back!

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 8th to 15th February 2024

This week at Cosmoledo Atoll was truly one for the books! We witnessed an extraordinary catch in both quantity and size, marking it as the most successful week of the season. The new moon spring tides brought about significant water movements and shallow tides, offering thrilling and effortless surf walks. Despite occasional challenges from the weather and winds, the sun managed to break through the clouds. Even the tropical rainstorms were brief and passed quickly.

Our guests, Nick Bontumasi, Matt Landher, Mule Bont, Mike Bontumasi, Wes Youngblood, Harry Singer, and James Stoller, all had a memorable week, catching their very first GTs. They continued to add to their tally of geets throughout their stay at Cosmoledo, making their fishing experience truly unforgettable.

Chantal Chrone, a regular visitor to Cosmoledo, achieved a remarkable feat by landing a 71cm permit in the bay of Wizard Island. This was part of her impressive flats slam, which also included bonefish and GT. Chantal wrapped up her week with us, having caught an amazing total of 17 GTs. A big round of applause goes to Chantal for her exceptional angling skills!

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 1st to 8th February 2024

This week on Cosmoledo was predominantly set over neap tides. We started the week with minimal tidal movement and lots of time spent exploring the white sand. Nevertheless, our anglers had some great days on the water with incredible weather throughout the week: barely any wind and full light conditions.

Stephan was able to fill his pockets with some lovely GTs and a phenomenal 72cm permit. What a way to start the week—a true fish of a lifetime. Congratulations on this impressive accomplishment!

Cosmoledo 2023/24 season news

James racked up some good numbers over his week here, ending up with a total of 15GTs. He also managed to tick off a new fish species from his list by catching his first-ever bonefish, one of Cosmoledo’s finest. Congratulations to James on some fantastic fishing.

Richard also walked away with a fantastic number of GTs for the week, with 16 being his final tally. Richard had a special moment on the last day of the week when he managed an exciting flats slam, consisting of a GT, a moustache triggerfish, and a bonefish right at the end, just in time. Congratulations to Richard ona great week.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 25th January to 1st February 2024

This week at Cosmoledo started off a bit rocky due to bad weather. Nonetheless, a good number of fish were caught over the latter four days of the trip, with a focus on giant trevally on the flats. The weather for these days was perfect with barely any wind and great light conditions. Fishing over the grass was made easy due to excellent light, resulting in good numbers of fish returning to the boats as well as a couple of firsts.

Stephan and Drew Sandbo both landed their very first GT on this trip and a good couple more throughout the week.

Cosmoledo Seychelles Cosmoledo 2023/24 season news

Michael and Oliver Sherman were able to achieve the same results during their time spent on Cosmoledo, walking away with a totally new understanding of saltwater flats fishing.

After experiencing some challenging saltwater conditions, Charlie Brady was lucky enough to catch his very first GT. He walked away with a couple of quality fish during his stay with us.

Avron Karan had a phenomenal second trip to Cosmoledo! On the very first day he broke the metre mark on a GT for the first time. A spectacular specimen measuring in at 104cm. He then moved on to catch a further seven GT for the week.

Overall, it was a good week for the guys who joined us and even though it was cut short by two days, the guys still managed to experience the incredible sights and fishing here on Cosmoledo, both in the surf and on the flats of the lagoon.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 11th to 18th January 2024

This week on Cosmoledo started with spring tides, transitioning into neap tides by the end of the week. The first couple of days, the boats were able to go to the surf, and the back end of the week was spent within the lagoon.

The weather conditions at the beginning of the week were not ideal; wind, cloud cover, and rain seemed to be on the horizon for the first two to three days. However, the latter half of the week gave us good wind conditions and some reasonable bright light. This allowed for some good fishing at the end of the week.

Kasja Larsson managed to check off her second permit ever, one of Cosmoledo’s larger specimens, breaking the measuring tape at a phenomenal 69cm on a 12-pound tippet on the sand flats of Menai. She later landed a 53cm yellowmargin on the southwest pancake flats. Congratulations to Kasja on these two exceptional fish!

Maddy Koo was able to land herself a flats slam, which consisted of a bonefish, a giant trevally, and a beautiful milkfish to top it all off. Congratulations to Maddy on her flats slam.

Cosmoledo 2023/24 season news

Scott Hardeman was able to catch his very first giant trevally here on Cosmoledo, a phenomenal first, measuring in at 89cm on the very first day of the week! He then moved on to catch a couple more fish while staying with us.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 4th to 11th January 2024

Week 7 on Cosmoledo started with neap tides. As the week progressed, it moved into January’s new moon spring tides. The weather was glorious at the beginning of the week, with barely any cloud cover and virtually no wind, which slowly progressed into strong winds, low-lying cloud cover, and rain at the end of the week.

David Mangum had a good week focusing on some of the other species that Cosmoledo Atoll has to offer. He ended up having a flats slam under his belt consisting of a milkfish, a giant trevally, and a bonefish. He was also fortunate enough to bag himself a nice-sized moustache triggerfish in the surf, measuring in at 47cm.

Hall Dillion managed to add giant trevally to his species list on the first day of fishing and managed to rack up his numbers to 17 fish over his time here on Cosmoledo.

Chris Blevins and Brian Locke also landed their very first giant trevally and went on to catch a couple more each before they left.

All the guests also managed to catch a couple of really nice bones over the week, bringing up our bonefish numbers to almost double our usual average of bonefish.

With the GTs and bonefish catches, it made for an exciting and rewarding week

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 28th December 2023 to 4th January 2024

Cosmoledo showed her true colours this week with some incredible GT fishing. The new week started off with some intense spring tides, big drops, and pushes. Fish were found on both ends of the tide.

The first two to three days of the week proved to have good GT fishing in the surf. As the week progressed and the tides made the surf inaccessible to the anglers, boats focused on fishing the lagoon, which only improved the fishing. The weather was in our favour with glassy flat days, no wind and full sun most of the week, enabling incredible sight fishing and great weather to pole the boats around. The last two days were slightly windier, but the guys and girls still returned with good numbers.

Paula Shearer had a phenomenal first week on Cosmoledo by managing to rack up her GT numbers after catching her first giant trevally on day one. Paula also managed two flats slams during her week, consisting of bonefish, giant trevally, and two different species of triggerfish. A moustache triggerfish and a cracking 55cm yellowmargin. A very sort-after fish species indeed and an incredible specimen at that! Congratulations to Paula for a phenomenal performance this week.

Cosmoledo 2023/24 season news

Alister Haszlak, a fairly new saltwater angler, and his boat partner Jonathan Taylor, a long-term returning guest, both managed their very first Cosmoledo giant trevally and a multitude of others over the duration of the week. Alister also bagged himself a great bonefish from the Atoll, which was also a first for him.

Chris Griffith joined us for two weeks of this season, and after having a great first week with good numbers, Chris set his focus on some of the other wonderful fish species that Cosmoledo has to offer. He spent one of this days in the surf on the western side of the atoll and landed himself two beautiful moustache triggerfish. He saved the best for last by catching his personal best and fish of a lifetime, giant trevally of 101cm, on the last day in the last hour of the day. Congratulations to Chris.

Aaron and Logan Hitchins came out to spend their first week on Cosmoledo and managed to absolutely crush it! Logan was able to catch herself a great yellowmargin triggerfish of 51cm, and Aaron managed a nice moustache. Not only triggers featured as they both walked away from their amazing week with a great number of GTs on their scorecards.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 21st to 28th December 2023

This week on Cosmoledo was spent in hot tropical weather with little to no wind for the entire week and excellent visibility on the flats.

The tides started perfectly, with the neap tides moving into full moon spring tides by the end of the week. As usual, the start of the week was spent poling the lagoon for our five main target species. Towards the end of the week, fish were caught in the surf zone over the low tide and the pushing tide as fish moved back onto the flats.

Jack Kurschat managed to land himself a flats slam on the last day of the week, which included a moustache triggerfish in the surf, a bonefish on the western edge of the Atoll and a GT in the late afternoon on the eastern side of the Atoll. Congratulations to Jack on his flats slam and the many other great fish caught throughout the week.

Marcus Kurschat was able to catch his first moustache triggerfish, and his brother Michael managed a multitude of GTs during his week’s stay on Cosmoledo.

David Keens was lucky enough to catch himself a large female saddleback grouper whilst on the outside of the Atoll, deep on a heavy sinking line.

Chris Griffith caught himself a massive barracuda and a large number of GTs for the week.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 14th to 21st December 2023

Another phenomenal week on Cosmoledo Atoll showcased our coveted big five.

The weather in the beginning of the week was a bit tricky with low lying cloud cover and high winds but towards the end of the week was absolutely stunning with barely any wind. The week started off with three days of really large spring tides with low tides in the early afternoon which slowly tapered off into the neap tides at the end of the week.

Gareth George had a phenomenal week. He was fortunate enough to bag a large permit on the eastern side of the atoll on the second day. Measuring in at a whopping 67cm on 12lb leader material. He also managed to tick off a 115cm GT and a flats slam the following day with a 47cm yellowmargin, a bonefish and a GT. Congratulations to Gareth on an outstanding week on Cosmoledo.

Rhuan Human managed his new personal best GT measuring in at 98cm, just shy of the 100cm mark. He also caught some great bonefish up at Menai on the western side of the atoll. Rhuan caught himself a beautiful moustache trigger in the surf on the first day of the week in a pothole close to north island. Congratulations to Rhuan for hitting your personal best.

Cosmoledo 2023/24 season news

Overall the trigger fishing this last week was some of the best we have had all season, with four out of five anglers able to capture themselves a trigger for the week. The GT fishing warmed up towards the end of the week and the bonefishing was exceptional considering how elusive they can be on Cosmoledo.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 7th to 14th December 2023

This week, our anglers on Cosmoledo Atoll enjoyed the best of both worlds with the tide cycle. The beginning of the week started very neap orientated and transitioned to extreme new moon spring tides during the last three days. This meant that the first half of the week was spent inside the lagoon poling around the flats, and the second half of the week, some boats went into the surf.

Daniel Factor’s first day of the week will be one he will remember for the rest of his life! While fishing in the early morning in Wizard Bay, Daniel and his guide managed to find a fish of a lifetime; after hooking the fish and an hour-long battle, Daniel was able to land a 75cm Indo-Pacific permit on 12lb leader and his very own Alphlexo crab. A moment we are sure he will never forget.

Cosmoledo 2023/24 season news

All of the guests managed to tick off a couple of GTs on the flats in a variety of different scenarios. Once the tide was full, which made flats fishing a bit tricky, the boats headed offshore to target a few deep-dwelling species on the dredge. Saddleback grouper, bohar snapper, African marble grouper, swallowtail grouper, white blotch grouper, yellow lip emperor, GTs, bluefin trevally, and even a wahoo, which evaded a photo opportunity by escaping the guide’s hands while holding the fish in the water.

Matthew Rich had an excellent week throughout. He caught his very first bonefish on Cosmoledo and went on to catch one of our elusive parrot fish in the surf zone on the southern side of the atoll. He also managed to rack up a large variety of new saltwater species for himself, including a black triggerfish and an orange line triggerfish.

Maria Heyns had the best day of her saltwater fishing career when she was lucky enough to get a grand slam on the last day of her week on Cosmoledo. This included four of the five main target species. She managed to land a 47cm Indo-Pacific permit, a 55cm moustache triggerfish, a 65cm bonefish, and a GT to finish it all off. Congratulations to Maria on her phenomenal achievement!

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 30th November to 7th December 2023

The week on Cosmoledo kicked off to an exhilarating start. The weather forecast set the stage for three incredible days, featuring optimal light conditions, minimal wind on the flats, and exceptional tides.

Exploring the flats while poling revealed promising numbers of giant trevally, with many free-swimming fish not only on rays but in various areas. The almost windless conditions made yellowmargin trigger fishing from the pole much easier. Moreover, the bonefish drop-offs on the flats showcased remarkable activity, with the good light making it effortless to spot them over the pristine white sand.

Carlos and Francisco Angelsio had an extraordinary beginning to the week. Both brothers achieved a feat by landing Indo-Pacific permits, measuring an impressive 60cm and 59cm, respectively. What made this achievement even more remarkable was the fact that they accomplished it on eight-pound leader material, and both catches occurred around the iconic Wizard Island less than an hour apart. Adding to their accomplishments, the brothers each reeled in their very first giant trevally during the week.


Chris and Este had a fantastic week, making notable additions to their catch tally. Este’s highlight was landing a 46cm yellowmargin triggerfish around the southwest area of the atoll during a memorable trigger session. They also successfully targeted some of Cosmo’s large bonefish throughout the week.

Avron Karan had an unforgettable Cosmo experience, boasting an impressive count of 13GTs during his stay. These GTs were skilfully captured in various scenarios, including some noteworthy fish taken in the surf zone while poling.

Jeremy Gallet joined the ranks of impressive catches by landing a 39cm yellowmargin at the southwest cliffs during low tide. This remarkable catch, achieved around the grassy pancake flats on a mudding porcupine ray, was a testament to the effectiveness of a pink curly tail in tricking the fish into biting.

In summary, it was a stellar week on Cosmoledo, marked by numerous fish brought to hand. Anglers celebrated a range of achievements, from first GTs to personal bests, making it a memorable and successful fishing experience.

Cosmoledo Atoll fishing news – 23rd to 30th November 2023

The start of the Cosmo season was delayed due to some unpredictable weather and a tough crossing from Astove to Cosmoledo, so the group enjoyed two days’ fishing around Alphonse before completing their journey. The slow-moving tides built up to fast moving spring tides by the end of the week and the water that flowed over the atoll was crystal clean, giving us great visibility. The wind conditions slowly improved but the light conditions were not always in our favour with a fair amount of cloud cover over the atoll. Murphy’s law, the last day was flat calm all day long and held our largest tidal movement for the week.

Elmer Doty managed to get his first giant trevally on fly and a couple more geets were seen during the day on the white sand flat and around the islands of the atoll. Shiloh Kocelj was able to hunt down a large greater barracuda around north island during the push. After the fish jumped a couple times, Shiloh, with the assistance of his guide, got it to the boat safely. Shiloh was also fortunate enough to land a nice moustache trigger fish in the surf on a pink legged flexo crab. The trigger eating super aggressively.

Joe Berks was wading the surf in waist deep water on a strong push behind Menai and caught himself two nice giant trevally, one of which being a good sized fish (80cm) over a sand high spot in the surf zone. Joe had the opportunity to catch a yellowfin tuna on fly, this fish is rarely caught on fly and makes for an epic experience.

Chris Nowak went on a surf walk close to the no name islands, where he stalked a GT feeding on bait in a small channel. He was able to coax the fish into eating his flaming Lamborghini. After a stressful fight, and the geet trying to cut him off on the coral, he managed to get it to hand for a quick photograph and a safe release. Long standing guest, Mike Nowak, managed to land three giant trevally during his week here with many other species under his belt as well.

Overall, it was an exciting first week on Cosmo with a few nice big bonefish and some GT coming to hand. Numerous other species were also caught while casting over coral heads in the deep and during the many surf walks had as the week progressed. Good food and breathtaking sunsets punctuated the fishing! We are looking forward to watching the rest of the Cosmoledo season unfold.

If these reports detailing the Cosmoledo Atoll 2023/24 season news have piqued your interest and you would like more information and availability on Cosmoledo, please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on +44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.