For those unaware of what a APPG is, and I was one. It is an All-Party Parliamentary Group. These informal cross-party groups have no official status within Parliament and are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords. The members meet to discuss, campaign on and promote certain issues which otherwise may not have been thought of within parliament. Currently there are over 400 APPGs covering a huge range of topics, from certain food and music types to other more serious issues.
How does all this talk of APPGs relate to us? Well, we have heard the encouraging news that Sir Charles Walker, MP for Broxbourne and Sir Oliver Heald MP for North East Hertfordshire will be holding the first meeting of the Chalkstream APPG on September 15th. All MPs and Members of the House of Lords are invited, unfortunately the rest of us will not be able to attend. However, it may be an idea, if you live in a constituency with a chalkstream, or know an approachable Lord to let them know them the meeting.
Along with this, the Environment Minster Rebecca Pow, who recently greenlighted the River Otter beavers, is to hold a Chalk Stream Summit on October 16th. In a press release, that also covered sewage in rivers and water leakages, her department said on Tuesday:
“Chalk streams: Chalk streams – known for their clear waters and rich wildlife – continue to be at risk due to low flows, poor water quality and unsustainable abstraction by water companies. The Minister urged water companies to significantly raise their ambition to improve chalk stream catchments and asked them to join her at a Chalk Stream summit she will host on 16 October.”
Contacting Your MP
The most effective way to contact your local MP is via email. You can check your local MP, and obtain his or her email address through this link HERE. Your email shouldn’t need to be too long; something along the lines of:
You may already know that there is a new chalkstream APPG forming on 15 September, under Sir Oliver Heald and Sir Charles Walker.
There are only 225 chalkstreams in the world and you are fortunate to have the [insert names] in your constituency, However, these delicate ecosystems under intense pressure from climate change and urban development, especially abstraction and pollution. The failing status of our rivers, and chalkstreams in particular, has been well reported in recent weeks and months.

If you would like more information about chalkstream fly fishing please do not hesitate to email us or call us on +44(0)1980 847389.