BC West Fishing Lodge steelhead fishing British Columbia Canada.
BC West Lodge is a remote fly fishing destination on the lower Dean River – a legendary steelhead fishery – facing the Dean Channel and tucked in the shadow of Kimsquit Peak within earshot of the Dean River canyon.
BC West is located less than a mile from the mouth of the Dean River in British Columbia. They fish for steelhead and chinook salmon during the short 9 week season from mid June through the end of August.
The Dean is known in the world of steelhead and salmon fishing for having the hottest, strongest fish around. The Dean has a brutal canyon section 1 1/2 miles from its mouth; for anadromous fish to spawn in the Dean they must ascend this canyon, so they’ve evolved over the years to be uniquely muscular, powerful, resilient fish. The lodge target these steelhead and chinooks in the lower 5 miles of the river, so they’re extremely fresh and often still have sea lice attached.
They are the only lodge on the Dean where guests fish both below and above the canyon. Below the canyon, they cover huge runs in search of the freshest of the fresh – fish within a mile and a half of the salt, often in on the previous tide. Above the canyon they cover more classic steelhead holding water, including runs that provide opportunities to fish dry flies.
All fishing is done using swung flies. The majority of guests use two-handed rods, but that’s certainly not a requirement; single-handers have been extremely effective on the Dean for many years.
2020 season prices
Weeks run from Saturday to Saturday with the season being from Mid-June through to the end of August. June weeks are priced at US$6,150 with July and August weeks at US$7,295. Cost does not include fishing licence or taxes.
2020 season availability
If you’re interested in visiting in 2020 then now is the time to make an enquiry, as the prime time fills VERY quickly.
We currently have the following available:
20-27th June
8-15th August
15-22nd August
For more information or to make a booking please contact Steffan Jones or phone 01980 847 389.