Kendjam 2021 Week 8 Fishing Report
Due to the clarity of the water, the week has been delightful but also technical. The week proved to be a real game of cat and mouse as all the anglers had to be as stealthy as possible so as not to spook any fish.
We had three anglers from the US and two from Brazil this week. They had a great week, landing 252 fish in total, this included some large peacock bass and bicudas. Once again, Kendjam proved why it is one of the ultimate jungle destinations. Another more jaguar sighting added the cherry on top of what was already a fantastic week. There are few things more spectacular than seeing one of these extraordinary creatures in their natural environment. With only one more week this season, we cannot wait to see what mother nature has in store.
One of the week’s highlights was the dramatic improvement of Michael’s casting. Because of this, he could cope with all of the fishing challenges that the jungle threw at him, and he landed plenty of great fish.

Kendjam Catches for week 8
Total number of fish landed in the week: 252
Largest Fish for the Species
Wolf Fish: 81cm Peacock Bass: 64cm Mantrinxã: 46cm Pacu Borracha: 46cm Silver Pacu: 31cm Bicuda: 87cm Payara: 89cm |

For more information, costs and availability please do make contact as we’d be happy to assist. Please contact us or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389