Kendjam 2021 Week Fishing Report
The global pandemic has given the private, indigenous waters of Kendjam some much-needed rest. Because of this, it is not surprising that the fishery showed impressive numbers of fish in the first week of our season. We are excited to report that the fish were all exceptionally healthy and of a good size. All released back into the waters of the Iriri River to swim again. The water level was perfect for the start of the season.
The weather at Kendjam has continued to be ideal for fishing, with sunny days reaching 28 C. Poppers and other forms of topwater flies have been the most successful for large Wolf Fish. The water has generally been clear. We are also glad to report that there have been plenty of sightings of silver pacu feeding on vegetation under the trees and rubber paco eating the algae that has begun to grow off the rocks.
The team experienced some excellent sight fishing for Pacus and mantrinchas. Although the peacock bass were less active than usual, the water is falling, leading to more activity.

Kendjam Catches for week 1
Total number of fish landed: 357
Biggest fish landed: Wolf Fish (81 cm) by Celso Spinelli
Peacock Bass: 58 cm
Mantrinxa: 50 cm
Pacu Borracha: 38 cm
Pacu Prata: 31 cm

For more information, costs and availability please do make contact as we’d be happy to assist. Please contact us or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389