King Salmon, Coho & Steelhead fishing on the Hoodoo River with Aleutian Adventures

The Alaskan Sapsuk (aka Hoodoo River) and Steelhead River camps are located 500 miles Southwest of Anchorage on the Alaska Peninsula. The camps are each located just an hour from the Bering Sea village of Nelson Lagoon.
Nelson Lagoon is on the Alaska Peninsula (located 500 miles from Anchorage), far beyond the areas typically reached by traveling anglers. The village has about 60 year-round residents (80 percent Alaskan natives, the majority Aleut) in 25 households. Until recently, there were few freshwater recreational fishing opportunities in this area.

Here at Aleutian Adventures have received permission to gain access to the uplands of our rivers. This gives our fisherman unique access to each fishing hole, where others have to stay in the river.

The goal at Aleutian Adventures was to create a no frills, but a great sports fishing camp on the Alaska peninsula. This intimate camp (only 6 guests a week) has dependable equipment, comfortable and clean accommodations, good food, knowledgeable and safe guides, and easily some of the finest Alaska salmon fishing left in the world!

This Alaska fishing currently focuses on two main river systems: the Steelhead River and the larger Sapsuk River (a/k/a “Hoodoo River”). The Sapsuk and Steelhead rivers are teeming with dime-bright salmon including Silvers, Chums, Sockeye, aggressive King Salmon, and a good Steelhead run late in the season. The rivers are perfect for fly fishing, and the Sapsuk is a great Spey river also! On top of all this, there is some excellent Dolly Varden fishing and some trout.
2020 Season Prices & Availability
26 June – 3 July; 3 rods available
3-10 July; 1 rod
28 August – 4 September; 1 rod
11-18 September; 6 rods
Prices vary from US$4,150 to US$5,000 per week, plus charter cost of around US$1,600.
If you’re interested in visiting in 2020 we highly recommend making contact early, as prime weeks book up very quickly.
For more information please contact Steffan Jones or phone 01980 847 389