Astove fishing report 25th November – 2nd December 2019

A group of mostly returning guests came for week three of the season. Knowing what to expect the team wasted little time on their arrival, eating a quick lunch, tackling up, then hitting the water to dust off the rust and prepare for the week.

The spring tides meant plenty of water movement plenty of walking and a lot of time in the surf. Spreading around the atoll the group fished both the surf side and lagoon and saw good numbers of GT’s and triggers throughout. Tom Borman and Mark Priestly came out on top on the first day, with Tom landing a 70 cm GT and Mark a 45 cm giant triggerfish.

As the week progressed the weather became increasingly unsettled, this was due to a cyclone sitting just North of Madagascar. By the end of the week the wind picked up and patches of heavy rain became more common. This didn’t stop the group from heading out and did little to dull their enthusiasm.

This was Gabriel Coulter’s first trip to the Seychelles and he used this opportunity to catch as many different species as possible, which by the end of the week included a impressive 60 cm bonefish and a GT of 75 cm.

Tom continued to have success, catching two more GT’s and a good sized moustache triggerfish. John Coulter pushed through a run of losing six GTs to catch the fish of his dreams, a beast of 108 cm.

Total Catch Stats For 6 Anglers For The Week

Bonefish 30
Triggerfish 2
Giant trevally 7

Astove atoll, Seychelles, fishing Astove, fishing in Seychelles, GTs, giant trevally, bonefish, triggerfish, permit, Aardvark McLeod

If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.