Date: November 1st to 8 2015

Weather conditions:
•    Weather was cold with high winds and sunny the first days, and as the week progressed, it warmed up in the last days, with none to low winds, with 4 days of amazing conditions.

Top 5 Places:
1.    Puesto bay (Strobel lake)
2.    Cocoon (Strobel lake)
3.    Barrancoso river lower section
4.    Monster Bay
5.    Dry Fly Bay

Top 5 Flies:
1    Pheasant tail BH
2    BH Prince Nymph.
3    Chernovyl ant (black, black/orange bottom foam layer or tan bottom foam layer)
4    Scud (green)
5    BH Wooly Bugger (black/cactus chenille/olive)

Fishing started strong and kept excellent throughout the week.
Guests were able to fish many different locations of our Estancia, combining most of the programs according to what they liked. While some anglers prefered to target more Barrancoso river and Moro creek, others almost entirely concentrated to fish Strobel lake only.

With the improved road to Barrancoso river high section at the Estancia, that provided much confort and added fishing combining with fishing Moro creek different sections at the Estancia.
Two fish of 20 or more pounds were caught at Strobel lake, while a 32 inch female was caught at Barrancoso river lower section. This remarkable fish was not weighted as the guide judged it was better to release right away after a very long fight.

At Strobel this two 22 pounders were caught by Mario M., who landed that fish at Monsters bay, late afternoon, as the fishing day was coming to an end.

The second 22 pounder caught this week, was by Fito M. someone with experience in landing big fish at Estancia Laguna Verde, being that his 3rd 20 plus fish, in 3 visits, with a personal best in his first season of 24,3 lbs.

Strobel Lake:
Best areas:

•    Cocoon Bay
•    Sea Bay
•    Dry Fly Bay
•    The Finger Bay
•    Dry fly bay cliffs
•    The Island
•    Aquarium

Top 3 Catches:
1)    Angler: Fito M.  Weight: 22 pounds Fly: Cooper John Area: Puesto Bay Guide: Alfredo Bovio Date: 2/11/15 Time: 11hs
2)    Angler: Mario M. Weight:  22 pounds Fly: BH Wolly Bugger Oliva Area: Monsters Bay , Guide: Martin Robino Date: 5/11/14 Time: 18,30 hs
3)    Angler: Luli M. Weight:  18 lbs Fly: Scud  Area: Cocoon Guide: Nano Peralta Date: 1/11/14 Time: 17 hs

Barrancoso river:
Running low and clear in the first days of november, then till the end of the week began to run higher and little milky, but fishing very well, with good surface activity because of higher temperatures.

Best areas:

•    Lower section (Long Pool, Mouse trap, Island pool, Dry fly pool, etc)
•    Upper Barrancoso (Vado Viejo)
•    Waterfall pool area (middle section)
•    River walk program N° 2 (from middle to low sections, exiting up of Long Pool, 4 km of river, aprox.)

Top 3 Catches:

1) Angler: Peter K.    Weight:  Not weighted / 32 inches (very probable around 20 pounds) Fly: BH Wolly Bugger, Rubber Black  Area: Mosca Seca, Guide: Luciano Alba Date: 1/11/14 Time: 11 hs
2)    Angler: Mario M.  Weight:  14,5 pounds Fly: Chernovyl ant Area: Mouse trap pool  Guide: Martin Robino Date: 2/11/14 Time: 11,30 hs
3)    Angler: Fernando G.  Weight:  14 pounds Fly: Fat Albert Area: Long Pool  Guide: Nano Peralta Date: 5/11/14 Time: 16 hs

Moro creek:

Running very nice with excellent water level and clarity, with the chance of catching excellent size fish and sport (best of week was 11 pounds), with average fish in the 2 to 6 pound class.

Best sections were “La reja” (section 1), “La Ocho” (section 6).

Verde lake:
Fishing very nice, especially in the opposite side from the lodge, where Moro creek west arm, pours its waters into the lake. Good browns and brookies gorging there on eggs from some of the rainbows in spawning conditions still.

Potrero lake:
Fishing excellent, both at Moro creek inlet as well as in the pockets of the creek. Best catch of the week 11 lbs by Nigel P.

Horseshoe lake:
Fishing very good at the moment.

Potrero Chico lake:
Fishing not good at the moment. Usually fishes better later in the season, as the summer progresses.

With a high snow winter, all water levels are very good and promise an excellent fishing season.
With road work done to the upper section of Barrancoso river at Estancia Laguna Verde, this has provided a much needed improvement in order to be able to fish with confortable access such a beautiful part of this unique stream.

If you are interested in visiting Estancia Laguna Verde in the 2015/16 season or to find out more please do contact Steffan Jones by email or call the office on +44 (0)1980 847389.