Like the swallows (although with less speed), Charlotte is heading south to Tanzania in early October in search of Tanzania’s tigerfish.  Although she knows the region well from her safari wanderings, Charlotte has never fished in Tanzania and is keen to get out there and will report back post trip.

In advance of that, and spurred on by several recently enquires, the 2016 availability received to date is below.

If you are quick enough to book before the 2016 rates are published, the operators will honour the existing 2015 rate so if you would like details, please contact us or call +44(0)1980 847389.


24 September – 1 October 2016
1 – 8 October 2016
8 – 15 October 2016
29 October – 5 November 2016
5 – 12 November 2016

There are two camps and two river systems, with the eight anglers split into two groups of four, swapping mid-week. Tigerfish are your prime target and with an average fish weighing in at 8lbs, the Tanzanian benchmark for what they class as a trophy tigerfish is raised high at 20 lbs and over. The two river systems combined offer guests access to over 120 km, 7 km of rapids and a unique fly camping operation which allows you to fish remote stretches of these unspoiled rivers. Bush camps and mobile fly camping (mobile tents erected prior to our arrival) under the African stars ensure that the African safari experience is as much a part of this trip as the trophy tigers you can expect to encounter.

The rivers have received very little fishing pressure over the years and the strict fishery and anti poaching controls that are in place ensure that this system remains as pristine as it was 100 years ago. The system is also extremely rich in bait fish (predominantly red finned barbs) and the combination of these factors has resulted in this population of tigerfish obtaining these fantastic sizes.

For more information, or to hold space, please contact us or call +44(0)1980 847389.