
The annual Fishing for Forces Lunch will be held this year on Tuesday 29th November at 12 at the Cholmondeley Room & Terrace at the HOUSE of LORDS courtesy of our patron Lord Dear Kt.QPM.DL.

We have managed to keep single seat prices to £120.00 pp and a table of ten to £1000.00. A table of ten will consist of nine civilian guests and a member of HMAF as an FFF ambassador.

Lunch will be an excellent three course meal with a raffle of numerous superb items to suits all tastes so please bring a £20 note with your name written clearly on it. This will be followed by a small auction of very desirable items.

As you know this is a very popular venue and tables are booked quickly so to allow for invitation posting please RSVP by Friday Nov 19th. Your support is invaluable and it would be a genuine pleasure to have your company.

Due to high security a photo ID (passport / drivers licence) will be required with your personal invitation so please arrive promptly to avoid delayed entry.

We also would appreciate being informed of any special dietary requirements.

To receive your personal invitation please make a cheque payable to Fishing For Forces and posted in a plain envelope to Bill Howell, Flat C, 69 Perham Road, London, W14 9SP.

Over the course of the year our days out “Taking the Wounded to the Waterside” have been very successful and we are already looking forward to next season.